Draussentester – Das Magazin für Entdecker und Neugierige

Draussentester – Das Magazin für Entdecker und Neugierige

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GRAVELTALK 03: Bud Miller from Pennsylvania, USA

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Bildbeschreibung Bud: "I've been riding motorcycles since 1998 when my father died suddenly from a brain aneurysm when he was just 57. I also began writing at about the same time. I've amassed more than 200,000 miles riding since then and have been writing as Zen Motorcyclist for RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring and Travel magazine since 2012. My book, Zen Motorcyclist Waypoints, Volume 1 is a selection of 24 essays on life, love, loss, poetry, philosophy, and exaltation as I experience it from the saddle. Waypoints is dedicated to my friend and riding partner Bob Walden whom the riding community lost tragically in August on the road with me in Virginia in 2019. It's my belief and intent that Waypoints will appeal to riders and non-riders given that I write about topics everyone experiences, from the simple pleasure of movement to the loss of loved ones and the joy of new love."

My blog for RoadRUNNER: https://www.roadrunner.travel/blog/category/zen-motorcyclist/ My own blog: https://www.zenmotorcyclist.com Instagram: https://instagram.com/zenmotorcyclist/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZenMotorcyclist.Bud.Miller/ Waypoints on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Waypoints-I-Motorcyclist-Bud-Miller/dp/1513652109/


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