Draussentester – Das Magazin für Entdecker und Neugierige

Draussentester – Das Magazin für Entdecker und Neugierige

werkstatt für medienkompetenz

GRAVELTALK 01: Tracy Charles is travelling the world

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Hi there! I am Tracy Charles and I am from Canada. The loss of my young husband and both parents within an 18 month period, had a profound impact on me and my outlook on life. It was time to do all those things I had ever wanted to do. The one thing that was not on my bucket list was riding a motorcycle, and definitely not trying to ride it around the world, solo. I suddenly found myself retired at 53 and had some big decisions to make. I discussed my idea with my daughter, and she wholeheartedly backed me up. We sold the house, my jeep, furniture and anything that didn't fit on my motorbike. It wasn't an easy or quick undertaking, but we did it and in September 2019, I left Canada on my quest to circumnavigate the globe on two wheels. If you would like to get in touch with me via social media you will find all the links on www.graveltalk.com


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