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Art of Molecule at the Locarno Film Festival #2

Art of Molecule at the Locarno Film Festival #2

Over the seventy-plus years of its history, the Locarno Film Festival has earned a secure position on the leading edge of the prestigious international film festival scene. Lying at the heart of Italian-speaking Switzerland on the shore of Lake Maggiore, with the Alps at its back, Locarno is transformed for eleven days each August into the world capital of auteur cinema. For the second time in a row, a group of young NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering scientists was invited to participate actively in the festival program. In this episode, Akanksha Jain from India shares her Locarno experience. Akanksha is a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Prof. Barbara Treutlein at the Department of Biosystems, Science and Engineering of ETH-Zurich.

Art of Molecule at the Locarno Film Festival #1

Over the seventy-plus years of its history, the Locarno Film Festival has earned a secure position on the leading edge of the prestigious international film festival scene. Lying at the heart of Italian-speaking Switzerland on the shore of Lake Maggiore, with the Alps at its back, Locarno is transformed for eleven days each August into the world capital of auteur cinema. For the second time in a row, a group of young NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering scientists was invited to participate actively in the festival program. In this episode, Renan Leonel from Brazil shares his Locarno experience. Renan is a sociologist affiliated with the ETH Zurich Health Ethics and Policy lab led by Professor Effy Vayena.

Das Museum Valmaggia

Im Museo di Valmaggia im Schweizerischen Tessin wird seit vielen Jahrzehnten das ethnographische Erbe des wunderschönen Maggiatals zusammengetragen, aufbewahrt und ausgestellt. Kuratorin Larissa Foletta hat für uns die Türen geöffnet.


Over the seventy-plus years of its history, the Locarno Film Festival has earned a secure position on the leading edge of the prestigious international film festival scene. Lying at the heart of Italian-speaking Switzerland on the shore of Lake Maggiore, with the Alps at its back, Locarno is transformed for eleven days each August into the world capital of auteur cinema, becoming a meeting place for thousands of fans who share a passion for filmmaking in all its variety. In Locarno, movies can be watched in the magical darkness of a theater, or enjoyed in the open air, against the stunning backdrop of the Piazza Grande, among an audience of up to eight thousand people.

GRAVELTALK 03: Bud Miller from Pennsylvania, USA

Bud Miller from PA, USA is not just a biker - he is also an author for "RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring and Travel magazine" who in his columns takes a very close and philosophical look at what it means to be a motorcyclist.

GRAVELTALK 02: Jussi Mäki from Finnland

Jussi is one fine motorcycle gentleman and loving father and husband. You want to find our more about him? In this podcast he invites you to stop by when riding through Finland!

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Das Vallemaggia Wanderparadies im Tessin

Es ist verästelt, verzweigt, verwinkelt und zwischendurch auch ganz schön steil: das Vallemaggia, südlich der Alpen im Schweizerischen Kanton Tessin, zählt zu den schönsten Wandergebieten der Alpenrepublik

Reisebuchverlage am Limit

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